Caught up with all the friends today. After seeing some long lost friends over the weekend, it was kind of nice to see the common faces. Sermon about the two responses to the gospel(that it is foolish or that it is the ultimate wisdom) straight from 1 Corinthians 1. No Trotter for us today; Noah Joiner stepped into the role. I always lean towards Trotter, but I have been surprised before. Noah didn't disappoint or anything, but he wasn't amazing. Seemed more nervous than I anticipated him being. Solid message though. He has a great story(read: pot head comes to Christ); he illustrated the passage well. In his nervousness he made some near heretical statements. It happens, no biggie. Unless he means them; maybe I should ask around and determine whether he is a heretic. Friends came over; lunch is delicious. Rachel and I go out of our way to host people. I'm not bitter, truly, but I wonder if anyone would ever offer the same to us. My most notable heartache is that I get so caught up in myself and the things I do. More important are that I do things for God's glory. I'm pretty sure it would be better for me to not do anything than to do good things out of a desire for positive response.
Got to hang out with Sarah, my sister in law. It is an interesting and unique dynamic for me. Lots of fun and catching up from not seeing her for a couple of weeks.
Had a rerun of the Sashimi Tuna today, delicious.
Hope Aaron and Allison are having fun. They made a very cute and fun couple. Excellent ceremony; I wouldn't have changed anything. It was perfectly beautiful and quaint. I hope nothing threw them off on their day.
I'm done with weddings for a while... lots of drinking to follow....
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